When it’s time for a child to leave home, it's a hard thing
on a mom.
When our oldest son and resident real estate
investor Drew, moved an hour south last year, I missed
him but knew it was time for him to be out on his own.
I'm very proud of him because of the way he has learned
to think. He is on track to do something very wonderful
with his life. He started off financially free, not in debt and
without a clue about his future.
Last October, he married the girl of his dreams and this
January, they are expecting their first baby! Yahoo!
I'm convinced that if I hadn't changed the way I was educating
him a few years ago, he never would have developed this
entrepreneurial mindset so young. It started with a few good
mentors and I’ve since learned that good mentors are essential.
In fact, now *I* have mentors too! Even though I’m old like
the crypt-keeper (didn’t you just love Freaky Friday!), I’ve
learned so much about education, as I’ve educated my kids.
But whether you educate your kids yourself or not, to have a
home business, I personally believe that you have to have wise
mentors to help you get the right perspective and education.
Mentors can show you short-cuts you would never even know
And so many people today don’t realize how easy it is to have
a home business. I think it is essential because this world we
live in is shifting daily.
We no longer live in the Industrial Revolution; we’re now in the
Information Age. Times are changing, jobs are changing.
If you don’t take control of your own life by having some kind
of home business, you really aren’t in control of your whole life.
It’s not a bad thing to have a job; it just can’t be your entire source
of income. If you have a job, you have to learn to invest or you could
find yourself in a big mess on retiremennt day.
Drew learned to invest what he earned and to manage his business
well. That’s how he became so successful by the time he was 21
years old.
He managed or owned 24 houses and brought his dad home from
corporate America. Now he owns a construction company and his
dad works for him.
Am I proud of him? You bet! Was it easy educating him to be his
own boss and not to depend on an employer? Nope!
But now that he has proven that anyone with an above average
intelligence can become financially free in this country simply by
applying some basic principles of using real estate and eBay, I am
dedicated to helping others learn how as well.
That’s why I host the only conference of its kind where you can
learn about investing in real estate and the stock market, selling
on eBay, getting a small business grant, and using the Internet for
any kind of business, where kids are welcome!
I want to help family members learn together about small business
like Drew, my husband and I did; yet how can you know who to
trust these days. With all the information available, it’s hard to know.
That’s why I take my responsibility seriously to invite the best mentors
for families.
This August, we are hosting our annual home business conference
where a select group of hand-picked millionaire experts will teach
a variety of ways to work from home. They will be teaching basic
businesses that anyone can succeed with.
And the vision and information these experts will provide can change
your life just like it has hundreds of families who have attended for
the past four years.
In fact, my son Drew will be there teaching how to sell houses on eBay.
If you are ready to learn more about how you can take back control
of your financial life, mark your calendar and get ready to join us.
The deadline for the Early Bird Registration is midnight July 4, 2007.
After that, registration goes up to the regular price.
And when you’re thinking of who to bring, don’t forget that teenagers
learn this technical business stuff faster than us old folks do. Computers
don’t intimidate them at all.
So make sure you bring at least one teen with you.
We also have an affiliate program so you can earn your way there.
Learn more about it in the P.S. at the bottom of this page:
In the meantime, think about your life and where you currently are.
If you are disappointed with your life, decide to do something
If you aren’t sure which direction to go, join us this August for a small
smorgasbord of home businesses that have worked for us.
You’ll be glad you did!
I hope to see you soon!
So many books, so little time…
who is dedicated to helping teens leave home ready for real life
Make sure you get a chance to meet Drew and his wife Carol
while you’re there!
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