Monday, July 02, 2007

The Duty of Parents


Know what I’ve learned since I started educating my kids
at home 20 years ago? That part of the job of parents is to
help young people discover what they are good at and to help
them prepare themselves to enter the real world of work.

You can either be an employee and work for someone else,
or you can have your own business and work for yourself.

Traditional school prepares us to be good employees. But what
about those kids that just don’t fit the mold? What about those
kids who won’t play the game you have to play to be successful
in school?

They’re not always rebellious; sometimes they’re just different.

Well, I had at least one of those.
His name is Drew.

During the years he was at home, we had a blast learning together
about gardening, then farming, then the stock market, then real
estate, then eBay, then Internet marketing.

We just considered what we were doing as an extension of school,
which it was. It was real school where we discovered real world
activities and businesses that he enjoyed.

We did discover that he was not good with stock market investing.
He’s not a whiz with numbers. But he LOVES houses! So he now
builds houses and teaches real estate investors how to sell them on

Who’da thought that he would stumble into something that no one
was doing? After all, he was just a 19 year old kid with some spare
time on his hands.

Well, that’s just the kind of thing that happens when you let the
power of imagination go in a motivated young person. We fueled
it with financial assistance to go to conferences and purchase home
study courses from experienced mentors.

Today Drew is married to the girl of his dreams, expecting his first
baby, building houses with his carpenter dad and loving what he is

It makes this mom, extremely happy to know that we discovered
his calling in life so early and that we were able to get the education
he needed to begin doing what he loves.

I often see 50 and 60-year-old men who still haven’t discovered
their life’s work. Many are stuck in jobs, just counting the days to
retirement. Many have given up hope of ever being happy and make
themselves content to just get by with not enough.

Personally, I think that is a tragedy.

There is so much more to life than what we’ve seen, especially now
that the Internet has brought the world of business to our very

And I want to help teenagers, moms and those 50 and 60-year-olds
find their call in life.

That’s why I bring expert millionaires to one place every year to teach
folks who are looking for practical education so they can break out of
the rut and find what’s in their hearts to do.

The place I bring them all to is a family home business conference we
call Entrepreneur Days. It’s 3 days of learning, inspiration and
networking with like-minded folks.

If anyone in your house is frustrated about where they are or aren’t in
life, here’s where to find something different.

No matter where kids are educated, I personally believe parents are
supposed to help them find their direction. Since most of us don’t know
what we want to be when we grow up, we may need some help with that.

Well, here’s help!

I’d love for you to join us this August!

So many books, so little time…
who wants you to meet that crazy son of mine who
still sells houses on eBay

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