Sunday, July 15, 2007

Need vision and inspiration for your life?


I often wonder why there aren’t more financially successful people in America.

The poverty level is around $19,000.
The mean income in America is about $46,000.
Business owners generally net about $400,000.

It seems that owning a business is more lucrative than working for someone
else at a job. Yet most of us haven’t been trained or encouraged to have our
own businesses.

There also are the risks.
What if things don’t work out as planned?
What about health insurance?
What if I don’t like the business after I start it?
Those are all viable concerns.

Things never work out as planned. That’s the beauty of the entrepreneurial way.
You don’t need a plan, you need a path.
Insurance? There are insurance programs for the self-employed.

If you don’t like doing what you started out to do, then outsource what you
don’t like to do and do what you love!

Einstein said, “Inspiration is more valuable than knowledge.”

My goal is to live an inspired life.

Every day, I want to walk in the inspiration of the Lord, hearing what He wants
me to do and doing what He says. I don’t want to be locked into a routine I can’t
break out of. I want to live my life free, yet responsibly.

We are often told that to live free means we are being irresponsible,
unstable and flighty. Yes, some folks are; but I doubt that most business owners
who control their own time and employ others would be called irresponsible.

I personally believe God created each of us to do a particular task.
And I’m not so sure that all of us are supposed to be employees working for someone else.
That’s just what we’ve been taught in the last few decades.
But that’s not the way it has to be.
I see way too many educated folks living too close to the poverty line these days.

Robert Kiyosaki paraphrased Buckminster Fuller in Rich Dad, Poor Dad, “Poverty has nothing to do with money. Money does not produce wealth. Wealth is what a person knows and the more people know, the richer they will feel.”

Our problem in America is that we are uneducated.

We have not been steered toward knowledge of how to create our own
businesses so that we can direct our own lives.

If someone else directs our lives, then we are ultimately not in control of it as we should be.
Yes, God is in control of everything but we are also supposed to be responsible
for each step we take, each habit we develop and each job we perform.

I agree with Thomas Edison who said, “If we did all the things we’re capable
of doing ...we would literally astonish ourselves.”

I am dedicated to helping people discover who they are and what they
were put on this earth to accomplish.

I work all year long putting together conferences with millionaire experts
that I meet along the way who have the vision and education that most of us lack.

I left society 10 years ago and have restructured my family’s entire life to be
able to provide help through people and resources to those who are serious
about changing their lives.
If you are one of the thousands who are struggling with life, there is hope.
I want to encourage you.

Every year, I invite a handful of experts to one place to give people like you
vision, inspiration and education you won’t find just anywhere.

And it’s all in one hotel, all during one weekend.

It’s called Entrepreneur Days and you’ve never experienced anything
like it before in your entire life.

There’s no way to imagine what will happen there. It’s just too incredible.
All you can do is attend and find out. And bring the teens because they
actually understand this thinking better than those of us who have been
trained not to dream.

As Les Brown says, “You don't have to be great to get started...
but you have to get started to be great".

Your goal may not to be great. But as you start discovering what you were
put on this earth to do, you’ll start becoming something you’re not.
You’ll start thinking like folks who have accomplished much.
You’ll start becoming a great influence in the world.
You’ll start becoming great.

Life is not supposed to be a methodical plodding from birth to the grave.
Rather, it should be a fun-filled adventure full of roller coaster experiences
pressed down, shaken together and running over with diversity and intensity.

Our focus shouldn’t be on paying the bills each month; it should be on
completing the projects God has given us.

And when one giant project is completed, ask, “Okay Lord, we built
that empire. What’s next?” And God may say, “Something bigger.
You were faithful with a little, now let’s go for a lot.”

I want to help you get a new life this August.

Join us at

You’ll never be the same again.

So many books, so little time…
who can’t imagine living in the box


Karen Skoog said...

>>I want to live my life free, yet responsibly<<
That is exactly what we wanted. With the support from Rheas Days and the Protege group we dared to make changes. You are right, Americans need to become educated. I'm so thankful for your willingness to share - it has changed our lives! Keep inspiring, Rhea!
Karen Skoog

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your commitment to families, and education. Without vision the people perish...
When I allow my children to play they are really working on life skills they will use the rest of their lives. Keep going, and keep sharing your life experiences, you never know who will be the next entrepreneur life-changer.
Patricia Hagaman (google me)