Monday, June 25, 2007

Want to Create an ebook?


Dr. Andrew Jones is a veterinarian in Canada who wanted to
create a passive source of income so he wouldn't be on call
all the time.

He recently won Armand Morin's Better Your Best Contest for
accomplishing his goal in a rather short time.

How did he do it?

He wrote one ebook on homeopathic vet medicine for dogs and cats.
Still think there's nothing to this Internet stuff?

Well this Tuesday night, Tuesday, June 26th,
I will be interviewing an expert who helps people create ebooks.

His name is John Hollingsworth and he knows his stuff.
His company has helped hundreds of authors overcome the
roadblocks that keep them from getting their stories and
information into digital print.

John is also going to be one of our guest faculty members at
our upcoming family business conference this August.
You can learn more here:

If there is an author inside of you and you need some help
developing that skill, mark your calendar now so you don't
miss my call with him.

Our call is on Tuesday, June 26th at 9pm EST.
The number to call is 620-782-8800
The passcode is 72383#

I'll talk to you soon!
So many books, not enough ebooks...
who would love to see YOUR story in digital print!

You can meet John in person here.
He's a riot!

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