Saturday, August 12, 2006

News from Entrepreneur Days in Nashville

Over 325 people had a great time and were challenged
to consider their purpose and direction in life by some
pretty incredible speakers at Entrepreneur Days in
Nashville last weekend!

John Taylor Gatto was fascinating!

And sent their Director of Education, Anita
Rodriguez, to present him with an autographed copy of
Robert Kiyosaki's latest book.

Mary Jo Tate of Tupelo, Mississippi, a single mom
homeschooling four boys, got a standing ovation when
she cut up her food stamps card on the stage because
she no longer qualifies for them. Because of the progress
of her editing business this past year, she won
Protégé of the Year and a brand new Toshiba laptop computer!

Bob Farewell of Lake Wales, Florida was Top Affiliate...
for the third time!

And Ed Pak of Holley, New York won the drawing for the laptop
on Sunday.

It's not too late for you to plan on joining us in Los Angeles
for the exact same conference August 25-27, with workshops
on August 24.

Don't be afraid to fly there if you have to; many of our
attendees do.

And trust me, it's worth it.

But don't take my word for it; here's what a few of our attendees
told us:

This note is from Ann LaRoche of Boylston, Massachusetts
who stayed up till 3 AM because she couldn't sleep after just the
first day:

"On Thursday when I walked into Glenn Deitzel's Entrepreneurial
Authoring Workshop, I was determined to learn how to write an
ebook with no topic in mind. Before the day was over, everyone
in the class had convinced me to write a book about Math and
Math Phobia in America.

"Thursday night I wrote the complete outline for the book. As I
networked over the weekend, I connected with so many parents
who gave me testimonials of their own story which encouraged me.

"I've been asked to speak at a Home School convention! My hope
for years has been to be a public speaker but nobody as ever
asked me to speak.

"I have discovered my passion, my purpose, and my ministry. I
praise God and I thank Rhea for the opportunity."

* * *

We got this note from Claiborne Thornton of Nashville, Tennessee,
president of the Tennessee Home Education Association.

"A person must be very careful when they attend Entrepreneur Days.
Each speaker seemed intent on helping you have more free time
and to move you out of the fiscal rat race into a freer lifestyle.

"You could get the idea that you could do that, you could have
more time for your own projects and more money to take care
of the needs and opportunities before you.

"We came looking for tools. We found the best.

"I came wondering if the messages presented would communicate
with my wife and sons and they caught the same hope that I had
found in my seven years of study.

"We left talking in a coordinated way about possible business deals,
products, and marketing approaches.

"Did I hear you say "coordinated"? Yes, that's what happened to us.
We found a measure of coordination for our desires - to capitalize
on our creativity, to increase our opportunities to love and care for
each other.

"What we learned there has changed this week. It will change this
month. We'll reach the end of the year with different measurable

"Our family's life has been significantly impacted and changed for
the good by this conference."

* * *

Here's what 15 year old Meagan Wuest from Thompson's Station,
Tennessee said:

"I have been so blessed from Rhea's Entrepreneur Days from the
good, positive fellowship to the wonderful speakers. The first thing
I've gotten out of this was the mindset.

"My daddy has worked for GM my entire life and we've recently
started our own dreams. After the end of Entrepreneur Days we'll
pray and take what direction God gives us. I personally will be
starting a horse boarding business. About a month ago, God told
me to take Business management in College. Well, yesterday, God
spoke again to my heart that this is my college education.

"So, thank you, thank you! My Daddy will be so pleased he doesn't
have to pay for college!"

* * *

If you are ready to discover your purpose in life and learn how to
turn your home into the center of your family's economic life with
dad present, plan to join us in Los Angeles August 25-27.

Here's how:

If my life was facing financial instability or if I had teens ready to
enter the real world, I wouldn't miss this event for the world.

So many books, so little time...

who still can't believe what God is doing in her life!

Don't miss hearing John Taylor Gatto tell
how education in America compares to
life in earlier days. It's profound.