Friday, March 07, 2008

Early bird deadline extended to Sun., March 9

Welcome to my Friday newsletter!

This issue features:

*Deadline for real estate conference extended
*Join us for our Protégé Day
*Meet Real Estate Expert Matt Gillogly
*Stay in Touch!
*Real Education: The Biltmore House
*A Challenge to Act

Due to technical difficulties with our hosting service, the deadline for the Early Bird registration for our Real Estate Days family conference has been extended to midnight, Sunday, March 9.

That’s this Sunday night!

Reserve your seats today:


Join Us for Our Protégé Day

If you want to learn how to create products for the Internet and just don’t know where to begin, here’s your answer.

On Thursday, April 10, the day before our family real estate conference on April 11-13 in Huntsville, Alabama, I’ve invited some of our conference experts to work with my tech team to show you exactly how to do it.

Using the Internet is not hard but there are lessons to learn before you jump in and waste your money. I want to save you the trouble by showing you how to do it in real time with real experts.

Plus, the information you will get from the speakers that day will be life-changing.

You will also get the right to sell the product we create and KEEP ALL THE MONEY!

You don’t have to share it with anyone!

If you are ready for more than just a real estate conference or if you and your family is looking for a community of entrepreneurs who are all headed in the same direction – straight toward financial freedom – then check out the call I did last week with our Proteges.

Listen to the call here:

Click on Protege Day on the nav bar, then look for the audio button in that section of the site.

Don’t forget to bring the kids! THIS is real education!


Meet Real Estate Expert Matt Gillogly

If you missed my call with Christian real estate investor mentor (and my old friend) last Tuesday, you can listen to it here:

Just scroll to the speaker area and find Matt’s picture. The audio button is nearby.


Keep In Touch!

To keep up with all the events and online educational courses we offer, enter your name and email address in the box at the left.


Real Education: The Biltmore House

The kids and are in Gatlinburg this week on an extended field trip learning to ski, seeing old friends and having a great time.

One of the highlights of our trip has been touring the Biltmore House in Ashville, North Carolina.

The largest house in America provides many, many lessons on how to be a successful entrepreneur.

For one, after its owner and builder George Vanderbilt died, the house kept operating and paying its own expenses.

How many “average Americans” leave an enterprise to their grandchildren that continues to operate without them?

If you trade your hours for dollars, you can’t. That is, unless you leave investments behind. But that’s a different scenario.

Proverbs tells us that a wise man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, which George Vanderbilt did. He had also inherited one which he increased.

The Biltmore House is also an example of how successful community can work inside of one building.

During its early years, servants and craftsmen, who were trained in many skills, were continually on the grounds.

George knew that to have a successful operation of any kind, you find and surround yourself with experts who know their craft better than you. Give them their assignment, get out of the way and let them go.

Even his architect hired another architect who was an expert in designing swimming pools to design the indoor pool for the house.

The Biltmore House also has a large library since the Vanderbilts understood the value of reading. George was known to read two books a week.

I personally think that is the key to keeping vision and motivation alive. Reading strengthens the mind and in this day of daily sensory bombardment, we could all certainly use a good dose of quiet reading.

The most important concept I observed was that George built his house to be a haven of rest for his friends and family to visit. It has many guest rooms and many areas for entertaining.

Imagine living in a place surrounded by acres of pastures and woodlands as far as the eye can see. Maybe we all can’t have just that, but we can do what we can to make home what it is supposed to be: a place of peace where friends and family can recharge their batteries and regain vision daily.

As dads, it is our responsibility to hear from God about the place where we raise and protect our families.

As moms, it is our responsibility to hear from God about making wherever we live a haven where we nurture our children and minister to others.

As citizens of a great and free country, it is our responsibility to hear from God so that each of us learns to use the gifts He has given us, no matter what they are and no matter where we are, to contribute first in our homes, then in society, all for the glory of God.

When we do that, we will make a significant contribution to this world and leave behind a wonderful legacy for others.

Maybe it will be as spectacular as the Biltmore House!

I challenge you to think that big.


A Challenge to Act

Several things have happened this week that have challenged me to think more seriously about life.

The legality of homeschooling is being challenged all over the country and news of the national identity card has surfaced again with a target date of “7 years from now.”

Both threaten the freedom of Americans.

Both should cause us to take life more seriously.

Americans can no longer sit by passively and watch the world go around. It’s time we wake up, stand in the gap and do something about our eroding freedoms.

If you have a job, be thankful for it and use your money wisely. Invest well. If you don’t have enough to invest, look for a different source of income. Don't be content to barely get by. If that's where you are, you are financially powerless to help.

If you want to leave your job to be able to create a larger income that you have more control over, work your way out of it but don’t quit cold turkey. When your second income replaces your salary, then quit if you have a peace about it but be very careful to follow wise counsel before you do.

And that doesn't mean listening to the old geezers sitting around the barber shop. ;)

It’s time each of us creates a strong financial base that allows us to not only take care of our own families but also to impact the communities and the world around us.

Yes, we can pray. But let’s stand up and do something to protect our freedom.

I’m afraid there may be a cost. A financial cost.

Are you ready to write a check?

Are you able?

If you're not, let's do something about that.

Let's learn to invest in the industry that has created 70 to 90% of the financially free in this country - real estate.

With the market like it is, now is the perfect time to get started.

So many books, so little time...

who thinks every American should tour the Biltmore House in Ashville, NC to get a good dose of vision for what’s possible

P.S. Learn more about our family real estate seminar here:

P.P.S. You are welcome to forward this note to your friends.

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